


Corporate profile

Telecommunications company MTEL d.o.o. has been operating in Montenegro since 2007 and offers the most modern telecommunications services in the field of mobile and fixed telephony, Internet, cable and satellite television, as well as numerous digital services.

Users recognized our quality and trusted us, which is why MTEL is the absolute leader in telecommunications in Montenegro.

This is best evidenced by the company’s market share data:

  • 37.16% of mobile phone users
  • 43.67% of Internet users
  • 40.35% of TV users and
  • 37.68% for fixed telephony.


It is known who the users choose!

The mission

On the basis of many years of experience and with constant modernization of business, we are constantly improving our services, which has led us to the position of the absolute leader in telecommunications in Montenegro. We strive to provide our users with seamless connectivity and a superior digital experience everywhere and at all times, thus becoming their first choice in the markets where we operate.

A vision

A reliable and recognized global partner in a digital world without borders.

Corporate values

As a socially responsible company, m:tel actively participates in the daily progress of Montenegrin society, contributing to the development of the community, so special support is provided to social, cultural, educational, health and sports programs and initiatives. We are equally committed to improving the user experience, behind each of our services is a harmonious and well-coordinated team that operates responsibly. We build a relationship of trust with users and develop together. Address: Bulevar St. Petar Cetinjski 143 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

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