


AROMA – Everything you need

Our spacious supermarket offers an incredible range of food and household products, giving customers endless options to satisfy their needs. As soon as you step inside, you will be greeted by a rich selection of fresh products, including fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products, along with the smell of the homemade bakery products. Our mission is to provide you with the high quality products that will improve your everyday life, and we believe that trust is the key to a successful relationship with our customers. Čim zakoračite unutra, dočekaće vas bogat izbor svježih proizvoda, uključujući voće, povrće, meso i mliječni proizvodi, zajedno sa neodoljivim mirisom domaće pekare. Naša misija je da vam omogućimo najkvalitetnije proizvode koji će poboljšati i olakšati vaš svakodnevni život, a vjerujemo da je povjerenje ključ za uspješan odnos s našim kupcima. In our Aroma markets, we often offer you special promotions, discounts and loyalty programs for our customers. Our stores are equipped with the most modern equipment, functional and economical, intended for high-quality storage and display of food. The possibility of choice is what Aroma offers you, primarily with its focus on consumers and their needs.

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